Instagram: @jamesalexart
Twitter @jamesalexartist
Email: jamesalexart@yahoo.com
Inspired by a range of Painting practices but chiefly those connected with the Abstract Expressionists, my work explores colour to provoke feeling and emotions using a variance of techniques and mediums. In the vein of the bricoleur and the practice of bricolage (using what’s at hand to create), I use a range of objects to create my paintings, many often from my own domestic surroundings. My paintings develop organically over time; once I have started working on a painting, I tend to leave it for few days to mull over the design, pattern and layout in my head, and then coming back to it and changing the colour or direction of flow.
My most recent paintings comprise a series entitled Interrupted Recordings – their visual pattern is reminiscent of the grooves in an LP or record and how the stylus sometimes misses the grooves in a record as well as jump if it came across a scratch. How the lines of the paint flowed around the surface is interrupted by gaps – these gaps are created by the paint not touching the surface – similar to the stylus disconnect described above.
In contrast to how the sides of a painting often goes unnoticed, the sides of my paintings are treated with similar importance to that of their front - painted 'grooves' extend over the edge of the surface.
I am a self-taught artist and live in London. I am currently seeking opportunities to display my work and gain further professional exposure.
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